26.08.2010 22:18

WICHTIG: Email Antwort des Yellowstone Volcano Survey

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

wegen der Dringlichkeit und der ungewöhnlichen Recordings aus dem Bereich der Yellowstone Caldera, über die ich heute berichtet habe - nachfolgend die schnelle Antwort aus den USA aus dem Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, die ich Ihnen nicht vorenthalten möchte.

Demnach handelt es sich nach offizieller Darstellung um technische Effekte beim Austausch seismischer Geräte. Gleichwohl habe ich noch eine Rückfrage gerade eben gestellt, wie es nun zu den neuerlichen Webrecordings ab Pitchstone Plateau der Yellowstone Caldera kommt - hier steht die Antwort noch aus.

Nachfolgend die Antwort aus den USA von gerade eben. Deutsche Institute haben noch nicht geantwortet.

>>Dear Cord,

This is just electronic noise.  Lots of equipment has been  
swapped out in the last couple weeks as we install new equipment.   
It's most likely that the webicorder generator isn't using the correct  
gain to interpret the data.  You should write to UUSS if you want more  
information as they operate the seismographs at Yellowstone.  I  
imagine it will take a few weeks (or more) before all the new  
equipment is performing without a glitch.

There is definitely no notable ground motion or anomalous earthquakes  
at Yellowstone at this time.

xxxxxxxxxxxx, USGS and YVO

On Aug 26, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Cord Uebermuth wrote:

> Betreff: Yellowstone Caldera YNR station unusual activity
> Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxx,
> can you explain to me the unusual activity at YNR-Station of Norris  
> Junction within the Yellowstone Caldera of the past days?
> There is unusual activity registred in the past two days at YNR and  
> even several other stations.
> Why is there such an enourmous permanent seismatic activity at the  
> YNR station of the Yellowstone caldera  at Norris Junction since  
> several days.
> Can you provide furhter information to me?
> Is there further increasing activity of hydrothermal sources and  
> changing circumstances? How about GPS data of the Yellowstone  
> caldera in the past days and weeks? Is there a further lift of the  
> caldera?
> Picture of the registration of YNR at the end of this mail.
> Greetings from Germany.
> Cord Uebermuth

